Deserving Rides – Rebuilding Rides to Rebuild Lives! The 2017 winner of the free car is Johnathan Bradley!
Congratulations Johnathan – You deserve that car!
What an amazing day this was! The Advanced Auto Clinic team and family would like to say thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy this wonderful day with us including 104.5 WSLD and the Delavan-Darien School District! We would also like to thank our winner Jonathan for you for all that you do for others! The car is a token of our appreciation for people like Johnathan that are part of our community. Without people like him our world would not be as good as it is. We are blessed with a successful business and are happy to able to serve our community by keeping them safe on the road. Without the support of the community we wouldn’t be able to provide Deserving Rides to others. I am proud to be part of the team and family that make Deserving Rides a success. This is our way of giving back. Thanks again to Jonathan and all others who give back and pay it forward. Advanced Auto Clinic, Rebuilding Rides to Rebuild Lives!!!
Check out Jonathans amazing post on facebook after winning the vehicle:
Advanced Auto Clinic in Delavan knows everyone this time of year goes through some tough times, whether it’s illness, loss of a job or facing many other challenges in your lives. There are good people in our community who are just down on their luck. Advanced Auto Clinic is so proud to award Johnathan, a deserving person, a reliable car!
Deserving Rides is a program that was started in 2014 by automotive shop owners who were grateful for the communities in which they lived and worked in by passing down the value of giving . They find used cars, fix them up, make them safe and turn them into reliable transportation. The car is then given away for free to someone who is deserving. The program rewards community residents who consistently put the needs of others before their own. Deserving Rides is a way for us to give back to our great community!
Check out the full live video from WSLD’s Facebook page to see the tear-jerking reveal!